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Public Private Partnership - PPP for common good: the poor, not the profit at the heart of poverty reduction.

Press release / Dezember 2019

Press release – 5 th ICDM 2019

Public Private Partnership - PPP for common good: the poor, not the profit at the heart of poverty reduction.

The 5th Conference of the International Community of Diaconia Management – ICDM opened on Monday 11 th November at Karongi – Rwanda. The one week long conference under the theme “Public Private Partnership (PPP) for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – PP4 SDG-Networking for Poverty Reduction, Good Governance and the role of the Churches”. The official opening of the conference was attended by Rev. Dr. Pascal Bataringaya, the President of the Eglise Presbytérinne au Rwanda (EPR), Prof. Dr. Martin Büscher, Rector of the Kirchliche Hoschschule Wuppertal/Bethel, Rev. Matthias Börner, Head of International Diaconia of the United Evangelical Mission – UEM and Dr. Rainer Schmidt, director of DAAD in Rwanda.

Opening the conference, Dr. Rainer Schmidt, indicated that the purpose of the conference should not only focus on its scientific side but also recognize the critical role of networking and social interaction which is also crucial to DAAD. He mentioned that good governance as a new terminology is important for poverty reduction in all forms and at all levels.

Among the topics to be discussed includes; Rwanda: Position and experiences of churches in Rwanda on PPP as driver of country poverty reduction strategy, Partnership for SDG: special focus on poverty reduction, Rwandan policies on PPP, Fostering good governance through PPP, governance and poverty reduction: role of Diaconia management and many others. Some of the conference speakers includes; Rev. Prof. Dr. Musemakweri Elisee, Vice Challencor of Protestant University of Rwanda – PUR, Mrs. Doreen Karake from the Rwanda Development Board-RDB, Rev. Dr. Wolfgang Gern, Mr. Ygrem Kassa, Sustainable Development Goals Advisor on Development Financing at SDG Center for Africa in Rwanda and Rt. Rev. Dr. Jered Kalimba, Bishop of the Shyogwe Diocese of the Eglise Anglican du Rwanda and Member of Council of United Evangelical Mission.

The ICDM is a network of Alumni from the International Master of Arts in Diaconia Management - IMADM was founded in 2015 at Columbus, Sri Lanka. The total membership since the commencement of the study in 2011 is 39 from the three continents of the UEM member churches and institution.

The annual conference has for the fifth time been funded by the DAAD as a platform for continuous learning and enhancing networking of experts and expertise around the world.

Closing the conference, the rector of the Protestant University in Wuppertal/Bethel call on the Alumni to take home the message of care, common good and advocacy. He challenged ICDM to live up to the standard as they were multidisciplinary trained during their studies.

“Wish us all to be the blessing for the world.”

The next ICDM conference will take place in November 2020 in Manila in the Philippines.

Report by Godwin Ampony

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